
Distinctive Characteristics of Mark’s Gospel

A. Mark’s Gospel is sparse and brief compared to the others.

B. Mark’s Gospel ends abruptly.

C. The linguistic style of Mark’s Gospel tends to be unrefined.

D. Mark’s Gospel displays a special knack for the art of storytelling.

“have a boat ready” (3:9) (to prepare for 4:1)

“That evening, at sunset” (1:32)

disciples mission/death of John the Baptist (6:7–30)

cursing the fig tree/expulsion of money changers (11:12–20)

E. Mark emphasizes Jesus’s deeds over his words (as compared to the other Gospels).

F. Mark’s story is dominated by Jesus’s passion.

G. Mark’s Gospel is marked by a sense of eschatological urgency.

H. Mark seems to have a special interest in Galilee.

(Cf. this to Luke’s emphasis on Jerusalem.)

>I. Mark frequently explains Jewish matters, but not Roman ones.

J. Mark assumes his readers already have a basic knowledge of Christian tradition.

K. Mark’s Gospel is imbued with a motif of secrecy.

L. Mark’s Gospel offers the most human portrait of Jesus.

M. Mark highlights the failures of Jesus’s disciples.