Hebrews: Outline of Contents
I. The Revelation of the Word in the Son (1:1–4:13)
A. The Son greater than angels (1:1–2:18)
B. Exhortation to hear the voice of the Son (3:1–4:13)
II. Christ the great high priest (4:14–10:31)
A. Exhortation to hold fast the confession (4:14–16)
B. Introduction of Christ the high priest (5:1–10)
C. Exhortation to endure and thereby obtain the promises (5:11–6:20)
D. Christ the great high priest (7:1–10:18)
E. Exhortation to hold fast the confession (10:19–31)
III. Call to faithful obedience (10:32–13:25)
A. Exhortation to endurance (10:32–12:13)
B. Sinai and Zion (12:14–29)
C. Concluding exhortations to faithfulness (13:1–25)
Courtesy of HarperCollins Bible Dictionary, ed. Mark Allan Powell (New York: HarperCollins, 2011), 371.