Speeches in the Book of Acts
Almost one-third of the book of Acts consists of speeches.
Missionary Speeches
- Peter’s sermon to Jews from many nations at Pentecost (2:14–36)
- Peter’s address to the crowd in Solomon’s Portico (3:12–26)
- Peter’s sermon to Cornelius and his household (10:34–43)
- Paul’s synagogue sermon at Psidian Antioch (13:16–41)
- Paul’s discourse to philosophers at Athens (17:22–31)
Speeches to Christians
- by Peter, regarding the replacement of Judas (1:16–22)
- by Peter, regarding the baptism of Cornelius (11:5–17)
- by Peter at the Jerusalem council (15:7–11)
- by James at the Jerusalem council (15:13–21)
- by Paul to the Ephesian elders (20:18–35)
Defense Speeches
- by Peter to the high priest and Jewish council of elders (4:8–12)
- by Stephen to the high priest and Jewish council of elders (7:2–53)
- by Paul to a Jewish mob, after he is arrested in Jerusalem (22:1–21)
- by Paul to the governor Felix (24:10–21)
- by Paul to King Agrippa (26:2–23)